DTU Chairman Le Cong Co speaks
Distinguished Teacher, Hero of Labor Le Cong Co said: “Throughout the different stages of the revolution, under the leadership of the Party and Uncle Ho, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has grown steadily, and the younger generation dedicate themselves to its continuing development. They have inherited the patriotic tradition of Vietnam, the spirit of volunteerism, and learn from their predecessors. Meanwhile, they study diligently, are grateful to the community and responsible for contributing to the progress of both the Communist Union and our nation.”
From 2016 to 2020, the DTU Youth Union made great achievements in youth union and the student movement work. The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union recognized DTU’s contributions and awarded Certificates of Merit to individual faculties and members of the DTU Youth Union.
Faculty Secretaries receive awards
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Mr. Le Cong Hung awarded a certificate to the DTU Youth Union for its outstanding accomplishments and also recognized selected union members for their significant achievements. In order to encourage others to further support the development the Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, Ms. Phan Thi Dieu Hien, a member of the Executive Committee of the DTU Youth Union and Secretary of the DTU Computer Science faculty; Mr. Le Duc Thuan, a member of the Standing Committee of the DTU Youth Union and a Secretary at the DTU International School; and Mr. Van Huy Tuan, also a Secretary at the DTU International School, were awarded 2021 prizes from the Standing Committee of the Danang Youth Union.
The DTU Youth Union also recommended exemplary Youth Union members for admission to the Vietnamese Communist Party and rewarded 26 secretaries for their university and community work.
(Media Center)